This seminar was the best that I’ve taken in my life… and I’m old. Thank you so much for this interesting and great training.
Thank you so much, thanks to this unique experience I have learned specific vocabulary relative to my position, I can make a presentation, conduct conference calls with more efficiency and much more confidence.
This seminar was great, really straightforward, interesting, and interactive. This training will be very useful for my job! I am much more confident with my English communication skills.
The teaching method is very interesting and was very applicable to my present position. The tools and exercises allowed us to progress very rapidly for social and professional situations.
This seminar was an excellent mix of theory and practice. The progression of exercises and individual situations were very useful and gave me a lot of confidence. Thank you.
The progression of exercises were very beneficial. The pronunciation, improvisation and immediate feedback allowed me to progress very quickly and effectively.
This training was very interesting. The unique progression of exercises and astute feedback really improved my communication and gave me a lot of confidence. It was exactly what I needed.
Thanks to this dynamic and interesting seminar I am much more natural and effective in social and critical business situations. My message is more precise and I am more relaxed in stressful situations.
I think this program is excellent ; the exercises and situations were so well prepared ! REALLY Excellent.
Une séminaire très fort en émotions. Les formateurs sont très bien. Un qui ne nous lâche pas, mais je pense que c’est très bien, on baisserai sûrement les bras s’il n’était pas là. L’autre est plus calme et nous rassure. Ils se complètent parfaitement. Je sors de ce séminaire plus sûre de moi. Je peux répondre au téléphone sans problème en anglais et sans crainte. A refaire!
This seminar is really helpful for me because situations are very well adapted to each person. I learned a lot , how to deal with different people and how to be diplomatic.
This was an intensive training, I would like to follow such a program every 2 years. I want to point out that it’s the first time I really appreciate a seminar!
Thank you for this enthusiastic training. Wonderful preparation/ personalized exercises.
A really serious, dynamic, and interesting seminar ! Definitely a good way to improve my knowledge of English. Thanks a lot!
Audit « Cours très utile ; les animateurs font beaucoup d’efforts pour s’adapter aux participants et sont très dynamiques !
C’est le meilleur séminaire d’anglais auquel j’ai participé. Formation sur mesure et des formateurs de très grande qualité avec une approche pédagogique très appréciée.
This course met all my expectations!
Excellent Seminar +++ preparation before training – very good – It allows us to practice our specific issues we are confronted with in our work – Very good approach. Great idea! We identify ourselves with each scenario.”
Excellent dynamic seminar ! I’ve learned how to be persuasive without being aggressive.
Excellent Seminar ! Really helps with our daily communication and especially with our foreign clients and managers.
Excellente formation : participation maximale, situations réelles avec des animateurs de grande qualité.
Grande qualité! Continuez à donner cette formation avec le même dynamisme.
Très bon travail de préparation, prestation personnalisée pour chacun des participants, programme de grande utilité pour le développement professionnel.
Excellent formation ! Permet de se mettre en situation dans des situations difficiles que nous rencontrons tous les jours !
Très positive et utile! La préparation effectuée par les animateurs en amont de la formation sert vraiment pour la formation. Les cas pratiques sont le reflet de la réalité. Bravo !
Très utile, cette formation permet réellement de progresser dans la pratique de l’anglais!
Excellent séminaire, très adapté à nos besoins au cours des missions anglophones. Animateurs très actifs et plaisants.
Ce séminaire est une vraie réussite. J’ai gagné de vocabulaire qui m’a permis de parler plus facilement au téléphone. Ce séminaire m’a encore motivé à aller plus loin et a aimer d’avantage l’anglais qui est une belle langue.
This seminar is excellent the way it is ! Pratiquer à l’oral d’être à l’aise et apprendre plus facilement le vocabulaire utile car cela nous mets en situation réelle.
After this seminar I am no longer embarrassed to speak English. This seminar is very dynamic, instructive, and a lot of fun. Many Thanks!”
This seminar is so dynamic and fun ! The total immersion in English is a real good idea; I learned a lot.
This is a very DYNAMIC seminar. The exercises are very different and interesting. The consultants have a great method!
This seminar was very interesting, it was extremely interactive which facilitated a rapid progress. The animators were very endowed and incredibly enthusiastic. I wish it lasted longer. Thank you.
This seminar was great, all the exercises were very useful. It fulfilled my expectations and I am now much more confident and have learned very useful communication skills.
Absolutely Perfect ! Don’t change a thing , the methodology and the approach were adapted to each participant. Extremely useful!!!
This seminar was the best I have ever taken ! The team was great and the program was adapted to each member of the group. Excellent!!!
Merci beaucoup! C’était un séminaire très enrichissant et utile car adapté à chaque participant, une très grande écoute des formateurs. … Excellent!
J’ai adoré ce séminaire, il n’y a pas que de l’apprentissage, cela nous permet de développer la spontanéité. Merci. Vous nous mettez à l’aise, vous nous bousculez quand il faut et cela permet de sortir le meilleur de nous!
More more more……please !It’s REALLY useful. Thank you so much!
This seminar really surprised me. The technique was very innovative and really helped me become more confident. It was so pertinent to my present function. Thank you.
This seminar was extremely relevant and really helped me become more confident, the exercises really helped me progress.
It’s a great idea to work with professional actors ; you really behave as if you were in real-life situations. This seminar was extremely useful and original. Thank you.
This seminar was very relevant to my current position. The seminar was a very appropriate mix of theory and practice. The different exercises were targeted to my needs and were very valuable.
Deputy Head of Training - « Séminaire très dynamique et efficace. Les nombreux exercices permettaient de mesurer très rapidement les progresse accomplir. Très bonne équipe de formateurs qui l’lait partager son expérience du theatre/cinema et de la communication-
This seminar is excellent, there is nothing to change. After 2 days spent in this seminar, I can feel that I am much more confident in English. Thank you so much for this unique experience!
Fantastic Training – All the subjects were extremely useful, I learned alot about the importance of behavior and word nuance, Thank you!
This was a very interesting and useful seminar. It was extremely interactive and all the exercises were very useful. I liked everything and was extremely happy to participate. Thank you”.
It was a privilege to take this training. All the sessions were very valuable and the attention paid to each participant was great! The facilitators were excellent and the time was fully used with efficiency.
Ce séminaire fut très intensif et productif. Le choix de faire des exercices de scène est un super moyen de progresser et se remémorer un anglais lointain. Bravo aux professeurs d’avoir mis tant d’énergie.
Thank you so much for this great and very interesting opportunity ; it was extremely useful and helpful!
La Formation est très intéressante et intensive et ça marche ! Les formateurs sont dynamiques et empathiques. Ils comprennent nos difficultés et nous propose des exercices très intéressants pour surmonter ces difficultés.
Ce stage était une très bonne expérience, le professeur cerne le personnalité de chacun et l’aide à développer ses compétences et ses priorités. Ce fut une très bonne expérience pour associer l’apprentissage d’une langue et notre métier. Bravo!!
This seminar was Great ! Content, practice, debriefing, Interactions and just great teachers…actors. Thank you soooo much!!!!
Merci à vous pour votre professionnalisme, votre enthousiasme et votre patience. Cela m’a donné confiance. Je me suis amusée et j’ai appris d’autant plus.
Ce séminaire m’a beaucoup aidée, j’ai pu me dépasser et maintenant parler anglais beaucoup mieux. A partir de ce séminaire je me sens plus en confiance. Notre intervenante est très professionnelle. Je suis ravie !! Merci.
Dear Ken, “I attended the seminar "Perfect your communication" in Louveciennes last April. If you remember, I was an IT project manager for the Inspection Générale and looking for a new position in the bank.