The InteractiveDynamics Method “The I.D. Method”, is implemented by a motivated and creative group of highly qualified bilingual Anglophone professionals with diverse backgrounds based in management, language, sociology, psychology and entertainment.
Our distinctive team applies “The I.D. Method”, which effectively integrates a psychological learning model called “Behavior Modification Program,” with theatrical improvisation techniques and exercises as a learning tool to perfect spontaneous and proficient communication.
“The I.D. Method” consists of a beneficial progression of exercises that encourages and permits a radical improvement in communication; it is specifically designed to develop the participants’ use of expression and develop their spontaneous interaction skills. The more confidence the participants develop in their ability to communicate efficiently, the more spontaneous they become, and hence, the more convincing and successful they will be in their personal and professional interactions. “The I.D. Method” effectively hones in on developing the key elements of communication that are vital in today’s global and competitive business market.
Although “The I.D. Method” was intially designed to encourage effective interaction in English, this method has now been proven to be equally effective in enhancing communication in French as well, in such areas as Management, Leadership, Public Speaking, Interview Techniques, etc.
Any person who engages in cross-cultural communication and/or professional communication in English and/or French will benefit from The I.D. Method.